The game then ends with the Stormwind Knight frozen mid-attack, with the second player still at 2 Health, resulting in a win for the second player. The Trap deals 2 damage to the first player, defeating them. One player sends a Stormwind Knight to attack the enemy hero, thus activating the opponent's Explosive Trap. If a hero is destroyed by the activation of an enemy Secret, the game will end there, without allowing any triggering actions to complete.Quest cards are like Secrets in that they take up a Secret slot, but they cannot be affected by Secret-interacting cards like Eater of Secrets, Kezan Mystic, or Flare.When Secrets and triggered effects are activated from the same trigger, the effects will activate in the order in which they were played.Likewise, Secrets that deal damage can be improved by Spell Damage. While they have special trigger conditions, Secrets are spells, and will activate all spell-related effects.For example, a player facing a mage with a single active Secret may choose to summon a weaker minion before summoning a stronger one, in case their opponent has Mirror Entity, and then attack with the weaker minion first, in case that Secret is a Vaporize. Since each Secret has a specific trigger, players can intentionally test the Secret to attempt to determine its effect, attempt to draw the Secret out with weak cards and actions, or simply hedge their bets in order to minimise its negative consequences. The limited choice of Secrets available to each class allows experienced players to logically determine the identity of unrevealed Secrets.In such cases, the Secret will simply remain in place without taking effect, revealing itself, or giving any indication that its trigger condition was met. This can happen with Mirror Entity and Noble Sacrifice if there is no room remaining on the hero's board, with Avenge if there are no friendly minions left on the board, and with multiple Secrets when a Secret's specific target is removed by another effect, such as a previous Secret (see below). In some cases a Secret's triggering event may occur, but the Secret's effect cannot activate.Secrets created by Lorewalker Cho are revealed publicly when played, and can be revealed after play by hovering over the Secret icon.If a player plays a secret belonging to another class, it will retain its original class colour. Each class' Secrets are a different colour: pink for mages, yellow for paladins, green for hunters, gray for rogues.This prevents opponents from guessing the Secret based upon its cost, which is the only information revealed when a player plays a Secret from their own class. All Secrets available to a class have the same mana cost.

For example, Mirror Entity will copy a Twilight Drake after its additional Health has been applied. Secrets triggered by a minion being played will take place after any Battlecry.